Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse 29 Calligraphy Painting

Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse 29 Calligraphy PaintingScore 80%Score 80%


In 2023, a striking and spiritually resonant piece of art emerged, titled “Seeking blessings in life’s journey.” This original, one-of-a-kind acrylic painting on canvas draws inspiration from one of my most cherished verses, Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse 29. It embodies the profound supplication: “O my Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing place, for You are the best of those who bring to land.”

Artistic Interpretation of a Powerful Dua

This artwork is not just a visual representation but a heartfelt invocation for divine guidance and blessings. The verse from Surah Al-Mu’minun serves as a beacon of hope, a reminder to trust in Allah’s wisdom and to seek success in all of life’s endeavors. The painting encapsulates this spiritual journey, transforming the dua into an abstract expression that speaks to the soul.

A Symphony of Color and Devotion

The canvas, measuring 24×16 inches with a depth of 1 inch, is a medley of vibrant colors and textures, brought to life with acrylic mediums. These elements are skillfully blended to reflect the essence of the dua – a quest for a blessed landing in life’s unpredictable voyage. The abstract style allows for a myriad of interpretations, each viewer connecting with the artwork in their unique way.

A Spiritual Companion for Every Space

This painting is designed to resonate with believers and art enthusiasts alike. It’s not just an artistic creation; it’s a spiritual companion, a source of constant inspiration and reflection. The use of abstract expressionism invites contemplation, encouraging viewers to ponder the deeper meanings of the verse and its relevance in their personal lives.

Preserving the Essence

To ensure the durability and longevity of this piece, the painting is finished with care, preserving its vibrancy and depth. The protective gloss varnish safeguards the artwork, ensuring that it continues to inspire and evoke emotions for years to come.


“Seeking blessings in life’s journey” is more than just a painting; it is a visual meditation on the profound and transcendent nature of faith. It is a testament to the power of prayer and the eternal quest for divine guidance and blessings. Whether displayed in a home, office, or spiritual setting, this artwork serves as a continual reminder of the beauty and depth of supplication, and the endless grace that guides us through life’s journey.




About The Author

Momal Naeem

Momal Naeem is a versatile artist renowned for her unique blend of Abstract Expressionism, Modern Art, and Calligraphy, deeply influenced by the aesthetics of nature and spirituality​​​​.

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